Monthly Archives: August 2015

Now with even MORE shading!

Okay…so I worked on the sand dunes a bit, and just like I thought, it made the camels get a little lost, so I had to RE burn the camels and make them darker.

But oh…it was SO worth it.  Lookey here.

Lookit you, lookin' all dead-sexeh for a camel!
Lookit you, lookin’ all dead-sexeh for a camel!  Go ahead…blow it up big.  You know you wanna.

In addition, I did some more work on the hourglass.  It’s not done yet, but I think I made some good headway.

It has a bit to go yet, but at least I got it started.
It has a bit to go yet, but at least I got it started.

What’s most impressive is how the whole package is coming along.  Very happy so far.

I did some shading around the circle too, but it needs some more detail on it still.  I'll talk to Willow about it, see if she wants it solid black.  The symbolism for her is stricter than most.
I did some shading around the circle too, but it needs some more detail on it still. I’ll talk to Willow about it, see if she wants it solid black. The symbolism for her is stricter than most.

Yeah…enlarge those.  It’s worth it.

The camels are plodding along.

I’ve been somewhat quiet.  I did a little work shading the camels, which are looking lovely.

2015-08-26 07.51.06
Go ahead and click on this. They look much better blown up.

Considering each of them is about the size of a quarter, I think that’s pretty good.  I’ve decided I need to shade the dunes first, to make sure they don’t overwhelm the camels.  I’m trying to figure out how to get that image of sand blowing off the tops without it being too busy.  Still thinking.

I’ve also been working on the design for the front of the box.  We have this so far:

Still being edited and adjusted.  Bast image comes next.
Still being edited and adjusted. Bast image comes next.

The Hathor image uses Mut’s face and left arm for symmetry, but the rest of the items come from different places…body from here, headpiece from there, ears from another, staff from yet another, and hair I’m going to adjust to be similar to Mut, but not exactly the same.  I’d like it to be braided.

The Bast image comes from a tarot card deck, but it’s been moved and adjusted…collar changed, bracelet added, and eyes from a different set entirely.  Background will be removed.  I’ll have to ask if she wants a moon at all.

Anyway…didn’t want you folks to think I was slackin.  🙂