Tag Archives: humor

Why I Love Jenny Lawson

when talking about her life….

“It was during one of our long walks through a cemetery that I found the grave of a girl named Amelia. Her tombstone stood at the edge of the cemetery, apart from any of the others, as if purposely hanging back. She had died in her 30s, and the lettering of her tenure here on earth was worn by 70 years of rain. “Perhaps,” I whispered to myself, “she does have a story. Maybe one so incredible that no one would ever be able to capture it on a simple tombstone. Perhaps she stands out of the way because no one ever came near enough to understanding her. “Perhaps” I said a little louder, “she was a traveling tightrope artist with tattoos that told stories and a throat that spit fire. Perhaps she retired after she fell from the high wire, only to retire here and live quietly. Perhaps she died from a lonely heart, her name on the lips of a dozen men who never had the courage to speak to her. Perhaps she was attacked by vampire cougar who still roams these parts after being improperly beheaded.”

Read more: http://www.oprah.com/spirit/How-to-Beat-Anxiety-Jenny-Lawson/2#ixzz1ryNh1Lw7


For my Friends – John Grasso

(spoken in an old Jewish lady’s voice) “It aaaall stahts with gaahlic.”
~John Grasso

My beloved Mondo was one of the first people to try to teach me how to cook. I do a lot more cooking nowadays than I used to (mostly dinners) and when I start, EVERY time I start, the first thing I consider reaching for is fresh cloves of garlic. Even if I don’t use it, it’s the first thing I think of. And as I stare at the empty pan, what I hear in my head is John.

I use lots of garlic. Lots and lots. 😀