Monthly Archives: August 2015

Giving thanks to some *real* artists…

That previous post was just the lid of the box.  There’s the front of the box to contend with.

We (meaning the person who commissioned this box and I) have been working on the front design, and I’ve been contacting any artist who has been allowing us to use their artwork.

The front of the box has an image of Mut, an Egyptian deity, and the artist, Amy Clark Anderson, has been gracious enough to give us permission to use her image.

Mut, as drawn by Amy Clark Anderson

I am adding a page of Artist Links to this website.  I can’t have it go live until the Super-Secret-Surprise Box that’s being given is actually given as a gift, just in case the gentleman’s wife should happen to stumble upon the image on the internet…but the second that gift is given, I’ll be adding it to the main menu for all to see.

Any artist on that page has been a pleasure to work with, has allowed me to use their art, and usually does commissions…so if you like the art, contact the artist!  And tell ’em Mowg sentcha!

We have compiled an image of Sekhmet, Bast, and Hathor, and put together a couple of cartouches that have personal significance.  So while I’m burning the lid, I’m designing the front.

And THAT, my friend, is how I spend my days and nights.  It’s love, I tell you.  I LOVE this project.

The ritual box is coming along nicely

This post is a few days worth of work, but it’s the sequence of the whole thing so far.

I did a light burn on the pentacle to start.

Pentacle centerpiece.
Pentacle centerpiece.

People were already complimenting the work, which is nice, but it didn’t really mean anything yet.  There was no shading or anything.  So anyway, once we had finalized all the other images, I went to town on the peacock feathers.  I needed the fine tip for that, and it broke right after.  I have to go buy another…maybe two or three, honestly.  The tip broke so easily (not from burning…the burner fell when it was cold, and that snapped the tip) that I don’t want to be without it again.  Anyway, here’s the peacock feathers.  Awesome, no?

I had no idea they would look this good.  I love it when I surprise myself.  Sorry about the fuzzy.  Apparently I needed to clean my camera lens.
I had no idea they would look this good. I love it when I surprise myself. Sorry about the fuzzy. Apparently I needed to clean my camera lens.

Next step, when I needed a break from the feathers (which took a whole afternoon) I went for the sand dunes and camels.  I LOVE the camels.

2015-08-19 08.00.45
Blow this up and take a look. They’re awesome.

2015-08-19 08.00.54

So now these guys needed shading, but I snapped my tip!  I had to move to a less fine point.  I decided to work on starting the outline of the lotus.

That knot was giving me big drama.
That knot was giving me big drama.

Then in the southwest, I did the outline of the cobra.  That’s another huge knot to contend with.  I decided to go big or go home, and just do a heavy burn right away.

I'm still thinking about this.  Do I need to bleach the knot?  Incorporate it and make it a sun, maybe?  Or just pretend it isn't there?  I haven't decided yet.
I’m still thinking about this. Do I need to bleach the knot? Incorporate it and make it a sun, maybe? Or just pretend it isn’t there? I haven’t decided yet.

Then came the flames, and the phoenix. too.  Light outline to start.

No pictures of the outline of the flames solo, apparently.
No pictures of the outline of the flames solo, apparently.

I needed a break, then.  So I did the shading on the Pentacle.

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Or at least, the first layer of shading, anyway. I needed that over/under feel, you know?

Then I went for the flames and phoenix shading.

Flame shading in partial effect. I'm not sure if I'll do more on that. Sometimes I want to do more, but I'm afraid I'll mess it up if I do, you know?
Flame shading in partial effect. I’m not sure if I’ll do more on that. Sometimes I want to do more, but I’m afraid I’ll mess it up if I do, you know?
This is where I start approaching OCD.  I burn the all the shading, and then I scrape up parts of it with an exacto knife to get really crisp highlights.
This is where I start approaching OCD. I burn the all the shading, and then I scrape up parts of it with an exacto knife to get really crisp highlights.
2015-08-23 19.22.44
And this is the big picture of the southeast, so far.