Tag Archives: Kitchen Witchery

For my Friends – Diana Haven

I’ve been thinking how much my friends influence my life, and how rarely they get thanked, or even know that they’ve done so…but each of you pops into my mind so often that I thought I’d post something every day for a while that demonstrates how much you’ve changed me.

“It’s your tool. If you want to do quality work, you have to take care of your tools.”
~Diana Haven

Lady Di was speaking, at the time about her stove and oven. She’s an amazing cook, and at the time, I knew less than NOTHING about cooking. Most apartments I lived in, the stove just gathered dust, except for boiling water for pasta. But once I started cooking I can’t tell you how often I have looked at my stove and said, “Damn. Diana would NOT be proud of this.”

Yesterday, I gave my kitchen a total scrubdown, and in my head I heard Di over and over again, and I felt much better for having done so. She’s right…if you want to do quality work, you have to take care of your tools, no matter what the work is or they type of tool you’re referring to.

I seek quality, so I listen to Lady Di.