Monthly Archives: September 2015

Moving on to the next phase of the Ritual Box

Willow has approved the left and right side of the box, and the front.  The artist who was kind enough to allow me to use her Mut image, Amy Clark Anderson, (available for commissions, you can contact her here: has confirmed, so now it’s a go all around.

Left and right sides…

Driver's Side
Driver’s Side
Passenger Side
Passenger Side

And the front….there’s a lot here, so it’s a longer shot.

I gotcher deities right here.  Srsly, tho...from left to right, Hathor, Bast, Sekhmet, Bes and Mut.
I gotcher deities right here. Srsly, tho…from left to right, Hathor, Bast, Sekhmet, Bes and Mut.

So this is all ready for the first layer of burning, which, needless to say, is going to take me quite some time.  I’m also going to start shading the lotus on the lid.  So yeah…I gottalottawork to do.

Joyful, loving work.  Can’t wait.  So psyched it’s a long weekend!