So while I was in despair…

I picked up something else someone gave me.  This was a blank leather bracelet, pretty thick.  In my shaman work I was given a particular symbol, and I was under the impression I was supposed to bring it from the dream world into this world, so I figured I’d put it on the bracelet.  Then it just kind of took a life of its own and ended up like this.

finished bracelet
finished bracelet

It’s much simpler than I usually like.  I kept feeling like it needed other things…but I have a friend Deveon who does amazing jewelry work.  She kind of speaks to the stones and asks them what they want before she does the work.  I’m gonna plug her pages here, because her work is amazing.

This is her Etsy page
And this is her Instagram

So anyway, I figured I’d try that a bit, and when I was done the work was like, “No.  Nothing else.  Please.  We said NO.”

It’s not my usual style of work, but I do like it.

It wears well.  And yeah, that's a Nathan Petrelli mug from the first time Heroes ran and Nathan ran for office.
It wears well. And yeah, that’s a Nathan Petrelli mug from the first time Heroes ran and Nathan ran for office.

So I think I’m back to doing the work.  We’ll see.  I have a lot of things to work on.  OH!  And Deveon got me a real deer skull!  So I can make a sugar skull for real!

My teacher says I need to wear a mask, that inhaling burning bone is really bad.  ON IT.

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