A message

I have a message from the Cherokee Elder for all men and women that he said we should pass along.

To the women, he said that their nation sees us, sees us doing the bulk of The Work, because we remember that which is important. He says that it has made us the current warriors, that there are always more of us than the men at places where the spiritual work is done, protests or lodges, because we have been carrying most of the burden. He says they are raising their warriors as fast as they can to join us, but it takes time, and to please hold on a while longer. They are coming.

To the men he said that whenever a woman is hurt and there is no justice, you pay the cost in the end, because when you have someone you just want to love and be good to, there will be a part of her that flinches from you because of the damage someone else has done. That you can be kind and gentle and sweet and loving, and you will still have to fight the memory of the person who did the damage, even if you have never hurt a woman in your life. It will be that way until you join together to create justice. That your silence will make you victims in the end, because the love you both want to give and receive will be much harder to create in the world.

Message delivered. And i will repeat his words to anyone who will listen whenever i can. We are all connected. Warriors, we will embrace you when you arrive. Please come soon.

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